Non CAS Opportunity
Supporting you to reach CAS Status

Educating talented individuals and product top quality and well informed advisers
At Cityplus, we recognise that it's not always easy for advisers to attain CAS or find opportunities within financial services that are commercially viable for both parties. We appreciate that Financial Services is an attractive and lucrative industry to get into, but one that requires hard work and dedication.
Many think that passing the CeMAP qualification is all you need to do, but this only gives you the theory. For many, they lack the knowledge, skills, professional development and training to be a competent adviser. It requires more than just having the right qualifications and technical knowledge.
This is why, Cityplus have an academy programme that gives newly qualified or returning to industry professionals the skills and working knowledge to attain and retain CAS for many years to come under the supervision of our compliance team.
Onboarding and Recruitment
You'll complete our standard recruitment documentation and follow our standard recruitment process. Once we have conducted our checks, due diligence and you have been approved, We'll book you onto our 5 day intensive academy.
This academy will be led under the supervision of our compliance manager and cover industry ethics, adviser foundations and housekeeping skills. You'll then progress into soft skills, rapport skills, time management and objection handling finishing the week with mastering the advice process and adviser-client journey in order to provide the right compliant advice.
You''ll leave this academy with fully completed workbooks and lots of knowledge to take into everyday practise.
My Competent Adviser
You'll have access to our online library of product, skills and regulatory training material along with bitesize learning modules. you'll also receive a monthly industry update bulletin for ongoing market awareness.
Prior to giving advice, you'll take part in competency testing and role plays, of which any feedback will form part of your future development plan.
Putting your learning into practise
The academy programme does not stop after the 5 day workshop. You'll participate in our ongoing CAS programme. Under the supervision of our compliance team, you'll give advice to clients and will be on hand to assist you throughout the mortgage journey with your clients. All feedback will be constructive and presented in a way that you can take forward into future sales.
You'll benefit from our professional relationships and have support from our in-house teams, external partners and mortgage club.
Compliance Checks
You'll be familiar with our T&C Scheme by now and under the supervision of the compliance team, we'll check your cases pre advice until you have demonstrated sound advice. Once you have reached our threshold and completedthe academy task list - you'll be signed off as Competent Adviser Status (CAS). Typically, to achieve CAS status, it can take as short as 3 months but on average it takes 6 months. There will be factors that affect this timescale such as business levels, attitude and commitment.
Retaining CAS
Once you are signed off as CAS, you'll benefit from our ongoing CPD, events and T&C Scheme that all network members are subject too. If you are a firm principle, you'll be enrolled into our AR Regime and co-pilot initiative.
Compliance Team Supervision
Bespoke Training
Product Support
Intuitive testing and knowledge gap system
Regular 121s
Roleplay & feedback
Shadowing and mentoring
Experienced contacts
Job specific
100% file checking
Pre Advice and post application checks
Sales Documentation templates
System Support
Soft Skill
Best practise guides
Firm principles enrol on our AR Regime and co-pilot initiative
Sales and marketing support
Networking Opportunities
Best practise Sessions
Training Workshops
Annual Fit & Proper checks
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